(self-appointed) Editors Note:
Here's another reason to get Fred Langa's newsletter. This is
stol...um...quoted verbatim from it. Go to his site for the full
story and followups to it. These options are available in Navigator
and Opera as menu items; I offer this here as a way for Explorer
users to keep up.

<imagine a horizontal rule as a page divider here>
<now allow ten minutes for my crappy 'special effects' to finish>


Speed Up IE4 and 5--- But At Your Own Risk!

I had a long internal debate with myself about bringing you this
tweak. On the plus side, it can significantly speed the loading of
complex web pages--- Internet Explorer will load these pages *much,
much*  faster. But the downside is that the tweak makes IE non-
compliant with the HTTP1.1 spec. If you employ this tweak, you'll be
making your browser nonstandard.

The HTTP 1.1 spec limits the number of simultaneous connections any
one browser can make to a given server. It's a way to ensuring there
are enough connections to go around. This IE tweak turns off IE's
built-in compliance with this standard, and lets your copy of IE open
far more simultaneous connections with a server. This means your
browser can grab many chunks of a web page at one time, speeding load
times. But it also makes your browser a connections "pig," consuming
more than its fair share of server connectivity. It makes your
browser a selfish net entity.

But this tweak is public knowledge now--- reader John Collins dug it
out of the Microsoft Knowledge Base, for example (thanks, John!)---
so I'll tell you about it, with a caveat.

This tweak can be useful as a temporary setting, or for
troubleshooting. But I do NOT recommend it as a permanent thing. Slow
web pages are usually caused by something other than the number of
allowable connections. (Look at my newly-tweaked //www.langa.com
to see how fast pages can load with no browser weirdness at all, for

But if you want the tweak and aren't concerned about taking more than
your share of connectivity, here are John's instructions:

     In Windows 2000:
     1. Open Regedit (Start-->Run--> and type 'regedit' [without
     quotes] )

     2. Navigate to the following folder:


     3. Find the keys that say:

     4. Change the value of both keys to some higher number

     In Windows 9.x
     1. Open Regedit (Start-->Run--> and type 'regedit' [without
     quotes] )

     2. Navigate to the following folder:


     3. Create the following "DWORD" :

     4. Set the value to any high number (the default is 2)

     5. Creat the following "DWORD"

     6.Set the value to any high number as well (the default is 4)

More explanation: See



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