Custom Search


# many parts ripped from: <a href="//">Sue's FreeBSD page</A> and the Bash HOWTO. 

PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH

EDITOR=vi;   	export EDITOR
PAGER='less -e';  	export PAGER

#auto logout after n seconds of inactivity

# Makes new files have permissions: rwxr-xr-x
umask 022
#after everything is installed, uncomment this and the mkdir alias below:
#umask 077

alias cp='cp -av'
alias kk='sendmail -d0.4 -bv root |less'
#alias mkdir='mkdir -m 600 --verbose'
alias l='ls -Fa --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -la --color=auto'
#sort by mod time:
alias lll='ls -Falot --color=auto'
#sort by size:
alias llll='ls -laS --color=auto'
alias lllll='ls -Fla --full-time -o -Q --color=auto'
#sort the extensions alphabetically; good for winfiles
alias llllll='ls -FlaXo --color=auto'

# history file control:

export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
export HISTSIZE=5000
export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace

## Optional enhancement to "you have mail" notices displayed before the prompt
## The mail check behaviour can be changed from the defaults
## Default mailcheck is 60 seconds. For example, to check every 20 seconds:
## You can check at the prompt for other people's mail arrival too.
# MAILPATH=/var/mail/chris:/var/mail/jan
## In the next example, I have extra accounts chris and kim, and also
## want to be informed when jan receives mail. Use it as a model.
# MAILPATH=/var/mail/chris:/var/mail/jan"jan has mail":/var/mail/npitc:/var/mail/kim

###### Examples of different prompts ######

## Simple primary prompt settings:

## Try these one at a time to see what you prefer, 'man bash' for more info.
## Simple prompt
#PS1="\u@\h\$ "
## Simple prompt with directory
#PS1="\u@\h [\w] \$ "
## Simple prompt with time
#PS1="\t \u@\h\$ "
## Prompt with brief info
#PS1="\u `tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'` [\W] \$ "
## Longer prompt
#PS1="\u@\h `tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'` \w \$ "
## Longer prompt with time
#PS1="\t \u@\h `tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'` \w \$ "
## Coloured two-line prompt
#PS1="\[\033[36m\]   \u@\h `tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'` \t \d \[\033[32m\]\w/ \n\[\033[36m\] $\[\033[0m\] "
## These colors work better with light background (xterm)
#PS1="\[\033[34m\]   \u@\h `tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'` \t \d \[\033[35m\]\w/ \n\[\033[34m\] $\[\033[0m\] "

## Fancier way to set prompts:

## Check if running in an xterm and give a more suitable prompt
## (two alternative blocks given below)
## mesg y allows talk(1) requests, here only if not an xterm

## Gives informative prompt, puts user,host,path in xterm title
## Comment or uncomment all of the following lines ('case' to 'esac')
#case $TERM in
#     xterm*)
#        PS1="\[\033]0;\u@\h: \w\007\]bash\$ "
#       ;;
#  *)
#      PS1="\t \u@\h `tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'`\$ "
#       mesg y
#        ;;

## Colourful prompts
## Comment or uncomment all of the following lines ('case' to 'esac')
#case $TERM in
#      xterm*)
#          TERM=xterm-color; export TERM
#          PS1="\[\033[36m\]   \ `tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'` \t \d \[\033[35m\]\w/ \n\[\033[36m\] $\[\033[0m\] "
#          ;;
#      *)
          PS1="`setterm -bold on` \[\033[36m\] \ `tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'` \t \d \[\033[1;31m\]\w/ \n\[\033[36m\]! \[\033[1;32m\] `setterm -bold off`"
    #this adds a bg color; comment out the above
#      PS1="\[\033[35m\]   \ `tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'` \t \d \[\033[32m\]\w/ \n\[\033[36m\] $\[\033[44;1;36m\] `setterm -bold on` "
#          mesg y
#          ;;

#xterm windowdressing
  function elite

  local GRAY="\[\033[1;30m\]"
  local LIGHT_GRAY="\[\033[0;37m\]"
  local CYAN="\[\033[0;36m\]"
  local LIGHT_CYAN="\[\033[1;36m\]"

  case $TERM in
          local TITLEBAR='\[\033]0;\u@\h:\w\007\]'
          local TITLEBAR=""

  local GRAD1=$(tty|cut -d/ -f3)
  $CYAN\$(date +%H%M)$GRAY/$CYAN\$(date +%d-%b-%y)\

#stuff you can put into prompts
#the time, in HH:MM:SS format. 
#the date, in "Weekday Month Date" format (e.g. "Tue May 26"). 
#the name of the shell, the basename of $0 (the portion following the final slash). 
#the current working directory. 
#the basename of $PWD. 
#your username. 
#the hostname. 
#the command number of this command. 
#the history number of this command. 
#the character corresponding to the octal number nnn. 
#if the effective uid is 0, #, otherwise $. 
#a backslash. 
#begin a sequence of non-printing characters. This could be used to embed a terminal control #sequence into the prompt. 
#end a sequence of non-printing characters.

Custom Search